David Pitman Rowland
2910 Morgan Avenue
Born: Oct. 3, 1832 – Richmonds, Kentucky
Died: Oct. 3, 1904 –
St. Louis, Missouri
David Pitman Rowland, president of the St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange, and member of the mercantile house of Shryock & Rowland, was born in Richmond, Madison County, Kentucky, in the year 1832. His father, David Irvine Rowland, was a substantial, well-to-do merchant in Richmond for a period of forty years, having moved from Campbell County, Virginia to Richmond in the year 1806. His mother’s maiden name was Mahala H. Tyree, who was a Virginian by birth, and went to Richmond in 1818. The grandmother of David Pitman Rowland, on his father’s side, was the daughter of David Irvine, one of the earliest settlers of Kentucky.
The early educational advantages of young Rowland were not such as a lad of his spirit and independence could, perhaps, have wished; for, while he did, at one period, entertain the desire of fitting himself for a professional career, he yet brought his studies to a close, at the school of his native town, at the early age of fourteen years. At this school he acquired the rudiments of a good English education, with, perhaps, a slight knowledge of the elementary branches of the classics. These, however, were but imperfectly learned; and, abandoning all thoughts of fitting himself for a professional life, he turned his attention on mercantile pursuits. Fixed in this purpose, and firmly resolved to overcome all obstacles, he entered the store of Field & Holloway, in his native town, who, at that period, conducted the largest establishment, as dealers in general merchandise, which was to be found in all that section of the country. The boy clerk had not remained here for long before his aptitude for commercial life became manifest to his employers. His advancement was rapid; his deportment gentlemanly’ his manners affable’ and he was promoted on account of his industry and integrity. It was comparatively but a short time before he had the run of a business as large and lucrative as that of any in that portion of the State. Into all his business avocations young Rowland carried a steady purpose. Blessed with perfect health and a strong, robust constitution, his energy and uprightness were marked characteristics which his employers were not slow to appreciate. From time to time, his compensation was increased, and being free from those habits of idleness and dissipation which many young men are addicted to, he was enabled to save, out of his earnings each year, a goodly sum with which to commence on his own account at a later period.
Young Rowland remained with Field and Holloway until November 9, 1853, when at the age of twenty-two, he paid an accidental visit to St. Louis, arriving here November 13, 1853. Previous to coming to St. Louis, Mr. Rowland had visited, at different times, nearly all the principal cities of the country – North as well as South – but not one of all commercial centers that he had seen in his various pleasure and business trips, made so strong an impression on his mind as a life commercial metropolis, as did St. Louis. After remaining here a few weeks, and becoming thoroughly convinced of the value and importance of the commercial relations of the city, Mr. Rowland accepted a position in the dry goods house of A.J. McCreery & Co., where he remained until 1860. At that time, with a moderate capital of a few thousand dollars, every dollar of which he had earned, he commenced on his own account, occupying unpretentious quarters on Locust, between Main and Second streets. His business at that time was confined almost exclusively to the leaf tobacco trade, which became large and lucrative.
In 1862, Mr. Rowland formed a partnership with Mr. W.P. Shryock, and, in addition to the leaf tobacco business, engaged in the business of pork-packing, which proved a very profitable venture – Shryock and Rowland.
In November 1863, Mr. Rowland was married to Miss Mattie H. Shackelford, daughter of William H. Shackelford, formerly of Paris, Kentucky.